Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Day Tweed Ride!

The Kid and I made a last-minute decision to join the New Year's Day Tweed Ride in Sacramento.  We'd missed the debut tweed ride in November due to my injury and the Kid was eager to show off her new Raleigh.Besides, years of living here gave me the expertise I needed to dismiss as foolishness any thought of rain...
It poured.  The conditions weren't much for taking photos, but I did snap a couple as the group took shelter under I-5 before continuing on.

We met up with the group between Sac State and Discovery Park and rode along happily for a mile or so until the drizzle turned into a steady shower.  We soldiered on to Old Sacramento, where we traded the wet streets for a dry bistro. The Kid's Christmas-new Ugg boots were soaked, my Basil panniers were getting there and cold rain covered both our faces.

Still, it was a great time.

Somehow, in Old Sacramento, we zagged when the group zigged.  We parked our bikes in my office across the street and walked back to the coffee shop where everyone had gathered two minutes earlier.  There was no trace of them.  Apparently there had been a quick vote and a new destination was selected.

This was the sign we needed.  We hunkered down over hot drinks and a bowl of zucchini soup and proclaimed the tweed ride a smashing success!

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